Home and Away Spoilers – Levi ends his marriage as he confesses to Imogen


Next week on Home and Away in the UK, it’s finally time for Levi to face the music, as he reveals to wife Imogen that he’s been having an affair.

Cardiothoracic surgeon Levi (Tristan Gorey) embarked on an illicit relationship with former patient Mackenzie (Emily Weir) after he’d saved her life following a heart attack, despite revealing to Mac that he was already married.

Their relationship wasn’t made easier by the fact that he discovered that estranged sister Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) lived nearby, and as the two have reconnected over the past few months, Levi has struggled to keep his secret romance under wraps on his regular visits from the city.

Eden’s presence in Summer Bay has had an upside for Levi though. After wife Imogen (Georgia Blizzard) became worried about Levi overworking himself, as he claimed to be constantly seeing patients in the Northern Districts during his absences, he has now been able to say that he’s reconnecting with his sistera far more excusable reason.

What Levi hadn’t been banking on was Eden deciding to pay him a surprise visit at his city home, eager to meet her sister-in-law for the first time.

With both women being given different reasons for his extended visits to the bay, Levi had to think on his feet. He quickly warned Eden that Imogen hadn’t approved of his ‘working away’ so much, hence why she thinks they’ve been spending time together.

Eden went along with Levi’s little white lie, not realising that she had been dragged into his affair cover up.

Mackenzie and Levi haven’t been exactly helping themselves however. A quick snog in public view outside the surf club was very nearly witnessed by Alf (Ray Meagher), and their uncontrollable lust saw the pair share another kiss in the parklands last week… just as Eden arrived on the scene.

Eden was devastated to learn the truth about what her brother had been up to. Not only has she become besties with Imogen in the past few weeks, but in her eyes it’s proven that Levi is no better than their father, whose affair during her teenage years had caused Eden and Levi’s estrangement in the first place.

Both Levi and Mackenzie subsequently faced anger from Eden, as well as Felicity (Jacqui Purvis), who found business partner Mac to be hypocritical following her lectures about the failure of her own marriage to Tane (Ethan Browne).

Whilst avoiding Imogen calls, unsure if she could pretend nothing was wrong, Eden told Levi that she was cutting him out of her life again.

When Levi later got fed up of the continued attitude from Flick towards Mac, and told Eden to get her to back off, he explained that he was heading back to the city to tell Imogen the truth, and it was between him and her until then.

Eden reluctantly told Flick that they should allow Imogen to hear it from Levi himself.

Next week, both Mac and Eden are nervous as they await news from Levi and Imogen respectively. They both know Imogen is due back from her conference on that day and will be hit with the news that Levi is leaving her, but so far there’s been a resounding silence.

Mac eventually gives in and phones Levi, who tells her that Imogen’s flight has been delayed. With his wife now not due back until the following day, they’ll have to stew for a while longer.

After an agonising wait for Levi (our hearts bleed!), Imogen finally returns the next day, and is not even through the door before Levi explains that they need to talk.

Imogen’s face falls; she’s been feeling a distance between her and Levi for some time, but after a talk with Eden, she’s convinced that he’s just uncertain about his feelings over starting a family.

The pair have been together since they met at a Health & Sciences faculty event during their uni days. Occupational Therapist Imogen had been warned by her colleagues about dating a doctor, stating that he’d never be at home, but love blossomed and the two have seemingly had a perfect marriage up to now…

After freshening up, Imogen steels herself for what Levi has to say, telling him she knows about the children issue.

But Imogen is completely blindsided when, instead, Levi tells her what’s really been going on.

Levi tells her that he’s been seeing someone, and whilst Imogen desperately clings onto the hope that he simply means a therapist of some kind, he quickly puts her straight.

I’m having an affair,” he tells her, rather callously. “And I am leaving you.

A shattered Imogen bombards Levi with questions and he explains that it’s been going on for a few months, but chooses not to name who the other woman is.

After Levi packs his bags, he wants to explain further, but Imogen has no more patience at this point and tells him to get out. He’s no longer welcome in the marital home.

Levi skulks back to the farmhouse with his baggage in tow, and Mac embraces him.

The next day, Eden finally answers a call from a distressed and angry Imogen, with Imogen quick to note the previous ghosting.

Imogen confronts Eden about her being Levi’s cover story, and accuses her of lying this whole timemaking her think it was her fault by bringing up the kids issue.

Eden assures Imogen that she had no idea of the affair but Imogen doesn’t believe her, hanging up on her after expressing how she trusted her.

To show her solidarity, Eden rocks up at Imogen’s house and tells her that Levi is a lying, cheating, jerk and she couldn’t care less if she never saw him again.

Imogen breaks down in Eden’s arms, and is later stunned when Eden reveals the full nature of the affair, explaining that Levi was seeing Macthe friendly restaurant owner who had invited them up for coffee.

Despite Mac suggesting Levi doesn’t contact Imogen, he can’t help but text to make sure she’s okay. Eden tells her to ignore it, but it can’t help but ignite a little spark of hope in Imogen—maybe Levi does care after all and there could be a future for them?

Eden’s quick to shut the idea down, reminding Imogen that she’s too good for Levi. Angry with her brother for giving Imogen false hope, Eden storms back to the farmhouse and tells Levi to leave Imogen alone.

Eden explains that she’ll be going to stay with her for a while and will take care of her, just like she did with her mum all those years ago after their dad and Levi left.

Mac comforts Levi as he’s faced with the reality of ending both his marriage and seemingly his relationship with Eden.

Will their romance now flourish, or will the sacrifices made prove too much?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 10th June (Episode 8246)

Dana does a runner. Stevie has a fresh offer for Cash. Felicity worries for Tane.

Tuesday 11th June (Episode 8247)

Dana forges a chaotic road to romance. Mackenzie faces the longest wait. Levi confesses.

Wednesday 12th June (Episode 8248)

Eden is a support for Imogen. Levi struggles. Theo takes surprising steps in his recovery.

Thursday 13th June (Episode 8249)

Theo makes a sacrifice. Is Bree ready to move on? Roo follows her new calling.

Friday 14th June (Episode 8250)

Cash is ambushed by a determined Stevie. Bree tries to bury her past. Roo rallies for support in foster caring.

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