12th to 15th August – Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week


Next week on Neighbours, Paul keeps an eye on Tess, Toadie gets some home truths, Nicolette is on her final warning, and Byron tries to make amends.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 12th to Thursday 15th August.

1) Holly’s jealousy grows

This week, Sadie (Emerald Chan) caught new arrival Heath (Ethan Panizza) in a clandestine kiss with Tess (Anica Calida). Heath has recently begun a steamy fling with Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall), so the discovery came as a surprise.

Holly angrily confronted Heath, but when Heath promised to make it worth her while by plying her with expensive gifts, Holly channelled her inner Izzy (Natalie Bassingthwaighte) and accepted the idea of a casual relationship.

Yet next week, when Holly catches Heath and Tess post-coital, she can’t help but flair with jealousy.

When Heath checks in with her, she admits that sharing him is harder than she thought, but she promises to do better.

Holly confesses to Sadie that she’s going to continue hooking up with Heath. Sadie tells Holly that she thinks she’s making a bad decision, but Holly is confident she’s got it under control…

2) Tess is being watched

Tess thinks she has the upper hand with Paul (Stefan Dennis) after this week saw her make him an offer to buy back his share of Lassiters.

Paul shook Tess’s hand and agreed to make a deal, but Tess has no idea that Paul, Krista (Majella Davis) and Leo (Tim Kano) are all working to together to work out what Tess is up to. Tick tock…

3) Nicolette and Kiri hit a bump

Nicolette (Hannah Monson) and Kiri’s (Gemma Bird Matheson) newly rekindled romance is going well, but it hits a bump when Kiri tells Nic that she’s planning to head to Sasha’s old church for its last mass before it closes.

Nicolette struggled with Kiri’s religious beliefs the last time they were dating, and Kiri’s planned visit drags up her old concerns about her faith and how she can’t compete with it.

When Kiri calls her on this, Nicolette admits her fears and the women finally have an honest talk. Kiri reassures Nicolette that she can juggle a relationship and her faith, while Nicolette promises to find a way to accept her beliefs.

4) Toadie explodes at Terese

This week, Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) headed to Sonya’s Nursery, only to discover that the site of her mum’s business had fallen into ruin.

As she headed back to Ramsay Street, she faced another shock as she learnt that Toadie (Ryan Moloney) already knew, and that he’d been struggling to find a new tenant to take over the nursery.

Next week, Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) has pulled together a team to clean up the nursery and make it more appealing to potential clients.

Toadie is clearly uneasy as the Rebecchi clan are joined by Andrew (Lloyd Will), Aaron (Matt Wilson), Karl (Alan Fletcher) and Susan (Jackie Woodburne) to clean the place up, but he goes along with it.

When he later returns to the nursery to discover real estate agent Rhett (Liam Maguire) talking to Terese, they reveal that Terese has come up with an ingenious solution.

Terese has agreed with Rhett that Eirene Rising will take over the site and turn the nursery into a community garden.

Yet Toadie feels that he’s lost control of another aspect of his life, and he angrily exclaims that it won’t happen, before ordering his friends and family to leave immediately.

5) Toadie discovers Nell’s crush

While the cleanup operation is going on, Toadie overhears Nell talking to Terese about her crush on JJ (Riley Bryant).

Toadie has always been against the idea of his daughter dating the wayward teen, and Nell is fully expecting another blowout, but Toadie is surprisingly understanding.

As father and daughter have a heart-to-heart back on Ramsay Street, Toadie gives Nell his blessing, but encourages her not to rush into anything.

Is the path now clear for a Nell and JJ romance?

6) Kiri and Nicolette make a big move

Kiri and Nicolette struggle to get any alone time, with the revolving door of residents at No. 24 meaning the house is never empty for long.

Desperate for some intimacy, Kiri blurts out to a loved-up Nicolette that they should get their own place together, and she instantly agrees. Not wanting to waste a second, they immediately begin the search for somewhere new.

Nicolette, however, suggests bringing Aaron with them, so that Isla doesn’t have to be separated from one of her parents.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Aaron is on board with the idea, and Kiri is thrilled to witness the emotional moment between the two co-parents. To Kiri it’s the confirmation that Nicolette has matured, and is no longer the immature, manipulative person she used to be.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

This illusion is quickly shattered, however, when Kiri finds the damning list on Nicolette’s phone of all of Aaron’s transgressions!

7) Terese asks Melanie for advice

Toadie is filled with regret and guilt following his emotional outburst at the nursery. He can’t understand where it’s come from, and all he can do is ask Terese for patience.

Terese then has a heart-to-heart with Susan, who confides in her that Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) faced her own conflict with Toadie when they were first dating – the nursery is a real trigger for Toadie.

Terese than turns to Toadie’s ex-wife for advice, and Melanie offers that Sonya and Dee come as part of a package deal for Toadie.

However, the mention of Dee piques Terese’s interest, and she’s rocked to realise that Mel knew about Toadie’s crisis around his ex-wives before she did.

8) Haz considers the future

As Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) tidies up at Harold’s, she finds some of Haz’s (Shiv Palekar) work notes, and is shocked to learn that he’s begun to consider his future, starting with a potential sale of his beloved coffee shop.

Haz insists that while he’s interested in the idea of moving on from the café and returning to IT, he’s concerned that his reputation and past mistakes will stand in his way.

Mack suggests that Haz seek advice from someone who knows what it’s like to reinvent themself after a string of bad decisions – Paul.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

As the two sit down for a chat in Paul’s penthouse, the vaguely-reformed-ish businessman can’t give Haz any easy answers, but Haz is eager to continue thinking it over.

9) Melanie gets a tempting offer

In a surprise move, Paul invites Melanie to his penthouse apartment, where he issues a sincere apology for having used her as a pawn in the past.

Melanie wonders where the catch is, but Paul insists he’s genuine about making amends, and offers Melanie a place to stay at the Eclipse Apartments.

Melanie, who has just decided that it’s time to move off Ramsay Street and put some much-needed space between her and Toadie, bites Paul’s hand off as she accepts his generous offer.

Later, Leo comments on Paul’s unusual behaviour as he goes out of his way to avoid Terese. He wonders what type of game his dad is playing now, but Paul insists that there’s no game – he’s simply respecting Terese’s wishes.

Given that Terese has firmly moved on with Toadie, Paul has decided it’s time for him to do the same thing.

10) Nicolette is on her final warning

After Kiri discovers the list of transgressions on Nicolette’s phone, Nic desperately tries to explain her dossier of evidence against Aaron, but Kiri remains appalled. She can’t believe Nicolette is being so nice to Aaron’s face, yet preparing to stab him in the back at any moment.

Unsure whether to tell Aaron what she’s learnt, Kiri seeks advice from Remi (Naomi Rukavina) and Cara (Sara West), who urge Kiri to consider what’s in Isla’s (Hana Abe-Tucker) best interests.

Later, Nicolette explains to Kiri that her list was simply a misguided contingency plan which she now regrets. She tells Kiri that she’s determined to change, and deletes the list there and then.

Nicolette then reveals another secret – she’s consulted lawyers about the video parenting agreement she made with Aaron and David to see if it would stand up in court. Remi insists that Nicolette tell the lawyers to stand down and Nic agrees.

With Remi’s advice in mind, Kiri agrees to work things out but this is Nicolette’s last chance.

11) Dex asks Nell out

JJ doesn’t have the enthusiasm to help Dex (Marley Williams) with his latest biology assignment, but he quickly changes his tune when Nell also needs help.

Fed up with Dex over-analysing his actions, JJ challenges his brother to ask Nell out, insisting that he won’t be able to let things go until he has an answer from her.

Dex finally does so – timidly – and Nell is left shocked as she’s put on the spot. Desperate to avoid hurting her friend, she lets him down gently, but Dex is still left heartbroken to learn that Nell doesn’t reciprocate his feelings.

Clocking the awkwardness, JJ connects the dots and is saddened to see his brother hurt.

12) Byron tries to make amends

Byron (Xavier Molyneux) returns home from Queensland and shows Sadie that he’s been secretly working on some marketing materials for the vineyard, having studied how to use an AI program to produce some high quality content.

Byron is now only a silent partner in Yorokobi, with Leo having demoted him after discovering that Byron’s actions scared off Leo’s potential rich investor.

Mindful of his ‘silent’ status, Byron gives Nicolette the material to present as her own. Unfortunately, he fails to mention this to Sadie, who later puts in a good word to Leo about Byron’s handiwork.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Leo quickly gets the sense that Nicolette isn’t fully across the material she’s pitched as her own. But by the time Sadie and Byron realise that she’s put her foot in it, Leo has requested a meeting…

With Byron already on shaky ground, has Sadie just ruined things for her boyfriend?

13) Wendy is shaken by an emotional connection

When a staff member at the Waterhole calls in sick, Quinn (Louis Lè) is in the right place at the right time, saving Wendy’s (Candice Leask) skin by taking on a casual shift to help out.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Over the day, the two uni friends provide each other with some much needed emotional support.

Quinn’s overseas family are visiting, but their visit has him feeling that he doesn’t fully belong in either culture as a first generation Australian, and he opens up on how challenging it is to reconcile his identity.

Wendy, meanwhile, feels nervous bout starting her mentorship. She fears that doing badly will simply fuel the idea that she was given the opportunity to service a diversity agenda.

Both feeling sympathetic towards the other, they offer genuine and well-tailored support, and their day of connecting culminates in a powerful charged moment.

Rattled by the surprise intimacy, Wendy breaks the moment but is left shaken by the emotional connection she felt with her friend.

14) Andrew can’t compete with Quinn

The day after her emotionally charged moment with Quinn, Wendy attempts to have the same conversation about her heritage with her husband.

Yet while Andrew is more than willing to listen to what Wendy has to say about race, diversity and cultural belonging, he can’t fully understand – and certainly not in the same way that Quinn can.

With Andrew unable to relate to his wife’s concerns, Wendy continues to dwell on her emotionally charged moment with another man.

15) Nell and JJ cool off

Next Thursday, Nell and JJ finally admit that they really like each other.

However, when JJ admits that he knew Dex was planning to ask her out, they realise that they risk putting Dex through a world of pain.

While both of them are keen to embark on their first romance, they agree that they should give each other some space and give Dex time to get over his rejection.

Nell confides in Terese, admitting that she’s excited about the romantic development, but that she’s sad that neither Dex nor JJ are talking to her. However, Terese thinks it’s a question of when, not if she and JJ will get together.

Terese feels as though she’s handled the situation as well as she can, and reassures Cara and Remi that they don’t need to worry about romance for their son for a little while.

16) Kiri snaps

Nicolette and Kiri may have made up, with the conversation about religion reassuring Nic that they can balance their relationship with Kiri’s faith, but a comment from Cara (Sara West) soon reminds Nicolette just how questionable her own past is.

When a letter from her lawyer arrives, Nicolette is confused, as she’d told the lawyer to drop their work on the custody agreement.

However, it seems that their report was already finished, so they sent it anyway. Nicolette’s curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to open the letter, just as Kiri arrives and catches her!

Kiri realises that Nicolette has acted out of “nervous panic” yet again, within 24 hours of promising that she’d never behave like that again.

With Nic already on her final warning, can they come back from this?

17) Toadie gets some home truths

Toadie heads for another session with counsellor Rhonda Del Rubio (Rebekah Robertson).

He’s finally admitted to Terese that he’s seeking help, and Terese suggests that a joint session with the pair of them could be valuable, but Toadie insists that he’s not ready. He wants time to work through his head on his own.

At his next session, Toadie feels confronted when Rhonda brings up his infidelity with Melanie. He insists that he and Terese have worked through it, but Rhonda suggests that they never truly did so.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

He gets a further shock when Rhonda points out that cheating seems to be a pattern of behaviour for him.

Can she get to the bottom of Toadie’s string of bad decisions?

In a recent interview with Back to the Bay, Ryan Moloney suggested that his character’s fear of his loved ones leaving him is what causes him to cheat.

“I think he’s scared of losing love,” Ryan explains. “So you’ve got Dee who died on his wedding day, but then was actually alive, so she left him.

Then the next love was Sonia, who died and left him. And then the next love was Melanie, who left him, but for good reasons.

“He’s just so scared of losing love, again, that he just jumps at love at any opportunity, hence why he cheated on Terese with Melanie. He thought that he was going to lose Terese to Paul, and he just grabbed love where he could.”

18) Toadie’s fury returns

This week, Toadie exploded at Terese after she suggested that Eirene Rising would take over Sonya’s Nursery and transform it into a community garden.

He’s already feeling overwhelmed as he’s haunted by memories of his ex-wives, and Terese’s well-intentioned move made him feel like he was losing control of another aspect of his life.

Next week, following advice from Remi, Terese decides to go and see Rhonda herself, hoping a counselling session will help her understand her husband’s actions.

When she turns up, she’s shocked to discover Toadie is already there, having gone back for another session.

Unfortunately, Toadie jumps to the wrong conclusion and assumes that Terese has ignored him and is insisting on them having a joint session together.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Toadie lets fly in another angry outburst as he shouts at Terese that he’s not ready.

Copping two angry outbursts from her husband in two weeks, just how much more can Terese take?

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

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