Iluka says goodbye as Mali and Rose split | Home and Away Spoilers


Next week on Home and Away in the UKMali has a tough week ahead of him as he’s forced out of his house, broken up with, and says goodbye to his siblings.

This week’s episodes saw Mali (Kyle Shilling) call on the River Boys to help him get revenge on the Allen siblings, who had beaten Iluka (Dion Williams) as payback for him stealing $8,000 from them, and accidentally stabbed Levi (Tristan Gorey) after holding him and Mackenzie (Emily Weir) hostage.

As Mali brawled with Gordie (Brandon McClelland), ringleader Nat (Claire Lovering) pulled out a knife, but thankfully they were interrupted by the sound of sirens.

Despite a distrust of the police force, Mali’s sister Elandra (Rarriwuy Hick) had called Rose (Kirsty Marillier) in a desperate attempt to save her brother, and Rose and her colleagues turned up just before things got out of hand.

Meanwhile, Iluka had been found by Theo (Matt Evans) stumbling down a road some distance from the bay, and while he initially refused to be taken to hospital, he changed his tune when he began to cough up blood.

Next week, as Levi recovers down the corridor, Mali and Elandra are arguing loudly outside Iluka’s hospital room.

Iluka forces himself out of bed to stop them before everyone else in the hospital hears their business. However, he does have one question for his sister – “since when does anyone in this family ever call the cops?”

Despite dating a police officer, Mali is also angry that his sister called the police, and can only shake his head when Elandra insists she did the right thing, reminding them that her actions have resulted in Nat and her brothers ending up behind bars.

Meanwhile, back in Summer Bay, Rose is struggling after finding her boyfriend in the middle of a fight. When she bumps into Bree (Juliet Godwin), she explains that she caught Mali brawling with one of the Allen brothers.

She admits that she’s scared about what would’ve happened if she hadn’t turned up, explaining that Mali “was out of control. I don’t even know who that person is.”

Soon after, Mali returns home to the farmhouse after storming out of the hospital, and it’s not long until Elandra catches up with him, having had to catch a taxi back after he abandoned her at Northern Districts.

As they begin to have it out yet again, Mali still can’t believe Elandra called Rose, reminding her that she had drilled into them since childhood that they should never get the cops involved.

Elandra retorts that she called the cops because there was only one thing she could think of that was worse – the idea of Mali turning up dead.

Mali tells her she can stay in Tane’s (Ethan Browne) room that night as it’s too late for her to head back to Mantaray Point now, but insists that she’s leaving in the morning.

Yet when the pair return to Northern Districts the following morning to check on their brother – still bickering the whole way – they find Iluka’s bed empty.

As Bree enters, Mali asks whether they’ve taken Iluka away for tests, but Bree informs him that she has no idea where he is; he left in the middle of the night.

Mali orders Elandra back to the farmhouse in case Iluka heads there, while he heads to the beach to search for him. As he wanders towards the dunes, he finally decides to give his brother a call… and hears a phone ring out just a short distance away.

Spotting Iluka lying motionless on the sand, he races over to him, fearing the worst.

Thankfully, as he lets out a panicked “no, don’t do this” and starts to shake Iluka, both brothers are equally shocked when Iluka is startled awake.

When Mali asks why Iluka left the hospital overnight, he explains: “I screwed up, Mali. You and Elandra are fighting, the cops are involved. Take your pick. I’m an idiot, you said so yourself.”

Rose spots the pair talking outside the surf club shortly after, and when Mali briefly leaves Iluka alone, she takes her chance.

She asks Iluka if he’s ready to come make a statement about the beating he took at the hands of the Allens, but Iluka questions whether Mali had to make a statement about his fight with the siblings.

When Rose confirms that no, Mali wasn’t arrested and didn’t have to make a statement, Iluka accuses her of double standards, to which Rose has no response.

Later, as they talk by the beach, Mali tells his brother that he has to sort himself out, and he has an idea for how to keep him on the straight and narrow – he should come work for him at Mantaray Boards.

Seeing that his brother needs a little bit more convincing, Mali sells him the Summer Bay dream: “Living here, getting paid to go surfing, it’s not a tough gig.”

Iluka agrees and the pair shake hands, but at that moment a still-tetchy Elandra turns up.

As Iluka happily exclaims that he’s got a job, and Mali adds that he’s going to stay in Summer Bay and work at the board shop, Elandra makes her feelings perfectly clear: “Over my dead body he will.”

Despite Mali’s protests that his brother will finally have a proper job, Elandra reminds Mali that it’s not on him to make his brother get his act together.

Reminding Iluka that there’s a man in hospital because of his bad decisions, she tells him that he needs to return to Mantaray Point where he’ll face their mum and tell her everything.

Mali tries to overrule his sister, but Iluka realises that Elandra has a point, and that he needs to start taking responsibility for his actions.

Shortly after, he makes his way to Northern Districts Hospital, where he catches Mackenzie and Levi just before Levi is discharged, having been given the all-clear to return home.

While Mackenzie continues to give Iluka a frosty reception, Levi is more willing to hear him out. He’s come to apologise, and offers up anything he can do to make it up to the pair of them.

As Mac continue to give him daggers, Levi tells him that they both survived what happened, and should just be grateful for that.

However, Mackenzie then sneaks out and follows Iluka, telling him that Levi is far more forgiving than she is.

She spits at him that Levi is lucky to be alive, and that no apology will make up for that. She tells him to pack his things and get out of the farmhouse, warning him that he’d better not be there when she gets home.

Meanwhile, at the Surf Club, Rose summons Mali for a coffee, where she makes one final attempt to get him to open up about why he was caught brawling with the Allens, why money was handed over, and why Iluka was beaten up.

Yet as she expected, Mali refuses to say anything, simply telling his girlfriend to ask the Allens – but, predictably, they’re staying quiet too.

Rose does have it all figured out though, as she gives Mali her theory that his brother took some money that wasn’t his, but Mali refuses to say a word.

Giving up, Rose then makes her heartbreaking decision, beginning by telling Mali that she won’t be with someone who treats her like the enemy.

Mali agrees that he’s been shutting her out, but insists that they can work through things, as he reminds her that they’ve been here before.

“Yeah, and that is the problem,” Rose insists. “I don’t want to compromise myself any more. We’re done.”

The hits keep coming for Mali when he discovers that Mac has kicked his brother out of the farmhouse. He storms straight back home, with Elandra in hot pursuit, and rips into Mackenzie as she sits with Levi on the sofa.

As he reminds Mackenzie that she previously told him that the place was his house too, Mali tells her: “You don’t kick family out!”

“Iluka is not my family,” Mackenzie shouts, before Elandra sensibly reminds Mali of just how much trouble Iluka has caused. 

“I think Mackenzie’s made a fair call,” Elandra tells him. As Levi winces in pain with every movement, he serves as a convenient reminder to back up Elandra’s point.

Yet Mali can’t see sense. “If my brother can’t stay here, neither can I,” he tells Mac before storming out to pack his bags.

Having lost his relationship and now his home, Mali is left further shattered when Iluka gives him some news – he’s taken Elandra’s advice on board and is departing Summer Bay after all.    

The following morning, Iluka says a brief goodbye to Kirby (Angelina Thomson) outside the Surf Club, before it’s Mali’s turn to say goodbye to his two siblings.

“I love you brother,” Mali tells Iluka as they have one final embrace. “Stay out of trouble, yeah?”

And with that, the pair drive away, leaving Summer Bay behind as Iluka prepares to face the music back in Mantaray Point.

While Mali has been busy worrying about his brother, he’s now found himself homeless, single and without his family for support – will he be okay?

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